
Driver sur pont isa standard pci graphics
Driver sur pont isa standard pci graphics

driver sur pont isa standard pci graphics

When the user switches a full-screen MS-DOS application to run in a window, the miniport driver must save the adapter state before the display driver regains control of the video adapter.

driver sur pont isa standard pci graphics

HardwareStateSize, describing the minimum number of bytes required to store the hardware state for the adapter in response to an IOCTL_VIDEO_SAVE_HARDWARE_STATE request The miniport driver can call the VideoPortInt10 function when such an application changes the video mode to one that the miniport driver's adapter can support. VdmPhysicalVideoMemoryAddress and VdmPhysicalVideoMemoryLength, describing a range of video memory that must be mapped into the VDM address space to support BIOS INT10 calls from full-screen MS-DOS applications Each SvgaHwIoPortXxx function handles read ( IN or REP INSB/INSW/INSD) and/or write ( OUT or REP OUTSB/OUTSW/OUTSD) transfers of UCHAR-, USHORT-, or ULONG-sized data.ĮmulatorAccessEntriesContext, a pointer to storage, such as an area in the miniport driver's device extension, in which the miniport driver's SvgaHwIoPortXxx functions can batch a sequence of application-issued instructions that require validation NumEmulatorAccessEntries, indicating the number of entries in the EmulatorAccessEntries arrayĮmulatorAccessEntries, pointing to a static array containing the given number of EMULATOR_ACCESS_ENTRY-type elements, each describing a range of I/O ports hooked from the V86 emulator and, by default, forwarded to an SvgaHwIoPortXxx functionĮach entry includes a starting I/O address, a range length, the size of access to be trapped (UCHAR, USHORT, or ULONG), whether the miniport driver supports input or output of string data through the I/O port(s), and the miniport driver-supplied SvgaHwIoPortXxx function that actually validates and, possibly, transfers the data. A VGA-compatible miniport driver's HwVidFindAdapter function (or registry HwVid.Callback) must set up the following in the VIDEO_PORT_CONFIG_INFO buffer:

Driver sur pont isa standard pci graphics